Do you ever walk into a store, find an amazing piece of clothing, look at the price tag & start walking ahead? Do you purchase something and regret it later?  Most of us are running on a budget when it comes to shopping. We want to buy everything we like but we stop because we don't long for a hole in our pockets. By the end of this blog you will get a clear picture on how you can cut down on your shopping costs and use the excess money for something  better.


1. Differentiate: We buy clothes for two prime reasons. First, we need it and second, we want it! However it is important to  know the difference between the two. Need is a necessity whereas want is a desire. You need to ask yourself if you can afford  what you desire. If the answer is no, do not even think twice and move on. If the answer is yes, retrospect if there is something better than that.
2. Prepare: Everytime you plan to shop, ensure you prepare a budget. Frame a price range and divide different portions of money into different things you need. If you are someone who shops using cash, do not carry excess money, this just leads to you spending more.
3. Consider Quality: People who shop on a daily basis do not mind doing so from market shops or streets. If you were to buy a cotton shirt, would you buy it for Rs.500 having a lower quality, or for Rs.1800 having a better quality? Well in this case, you should always go with the better quality shirt, since it will not only be long lasting, but also wearable. Quantity will fulfill your short term happiness, but quality will not make you regret.
4. Stop buying the same things: We all have this habit of filling our wardrobes with the same colour and same pattern clothes. A very high recommendation is to STOP buying similar clothes. Look into your closet, see which colour or style is missing and you want it. Buy and invest in different pieces and do not buy clothes that you won’t be wearing.
5. Repeat & it’s okay: Women love to wear new clothes everyday, we all have this knack of not repeating clothes in a party or an event. Well, it is okay to repeat because mainly, you have paid for what you have bought. Look into your wardrobe and start wearing clothes you haven’t or worn less. Instead of buying more, wear the unused.
6. Pass it on: If you have clothes that do not fit you anymore and clothes that you have worn less, you can pass it on to someone who needs it. Giving away your good condition clothes to anyone in your social circle will not only help them but also clear up your space.
7. Wait: The best part about shopping online is that you can get a wider range of options that are pocket friendly. Every website and brand has great discounts and sales on regular intervals. If you have liked an expensive piece, wait for the sale to begin or use vouchers and discount codes. Make the most of it!


Whether your style is inclined towards basics or you are very trendy. All these points above will help you distinguish and plan your next and forthcoming shoppings even better. Be smart, on a low cost budget!

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