Jewelery Care

Buying jewelry also comes along with taking equal care of it. In the case of imitation jewelry where artificial materials are used to make the jewelry piece, there is a high chance of the jewelry losing it’s shimmer and getting faded. In such scenarios there are basic things that every person should keep in mind. Once these things are taken into account, it is very easy to store your set and make it wearable in the longer run.

Here are a few and very recommended tips that you should keep in mind after purchasing jewelry.

1. Use a tight container or ziplock bag for storage: When you use separate containers or ziplocks, the jewelry gets less exposure from air and moisture around. This protects it from rusting.

2. Segregate: Make sure you separate imitation, silver and gold jewelry from eachother. Avoid storing your entire collection together or in one box. This will avoid any damage to the jewelry.

3. Avoid Sunlight: Your jewelry will lose it’s shine and shimmer if you expose it to sunlight. Store it in closed places.

4. Don’t wear the same piece 24/7: Some imitation jewelry tends to show a reaction on the skin if they are worn throughout the day. Make sure you either switch your jewelry pieces or remove them after some hours.

5. Avoid from skin products: Do not use your body lotions or other skin products near the jewelry or wear it after a good time span after your skincare regime. Avoid having a shower with it.

6. Cotton works: Placing your jewelry on top of untreated cotton works wonders. It saves your jewelry from any structural damage and also ensures the usage in a longer run.

7. Clean it: Cleaning and cleansing helps the jewelry from tarnishing.

Here are few ways you can try cleaning your imitation jewelry with.
a. Hand Soap
b. Warm Water
c. Lemon
d. Toothbrush
e. Rinse.

Little does it take to give care to your purchases, ensure you practice this as it is going to benefit you.

Thank you!